CORP - Podiumsdiskussion

The 11th international CORP conference held in Vienna is dealing with the role of information and communication technologies (ICT) in urban planning, regional development, transport as well as landscape planning and real estate development. Opportunities for planners by actively using new technologies as well as the impacts of technological change on planning, the future of physical space and the inter-relations between "real" and "virtual" spaces are discussed. CORP has become the de-facto leading conference in Europe on planning and information.

In 2006 CORP premieres at the Congress Center Messe Wien.
A close coopoeration with i.convienna, the International Congress for Information & Consulting, offers an even more interdisciplinary program for CORP participants.


CORP addresses key decision-makers in administration, politics and management, consultants, planners, service providers, researchers and students involved with “spatial thinking”.

CORP follows an interdisciplinary approach with participants coming from various fields. The topics real estate development, facility management, buildung and construction industry as well as urban, environmental and traffic technologies as the driving forces for the economic and spatial development will have a strong stake in the congress agenda.

The combination of latest trends from industry and consulting with the high scientific quality of presentations make CORP conferences unique. Interdisciplinary networking of decision-makers from industry, politics, administration and science to realize win-win situations for a sustainable development are core goals of CORP2006.




Hier finden Sie die Beiträge der CORP 2006
Please find all papers of CORP 2006 here

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